Printer News

Phrozen launches Sonic Mini 8K resin 3D printer to provide affordable high-resolution prints – Specifications and pricing

Phrozen, an LCD 3D printing startup from Taiwan, announced the launch the Phrozen Sonic Mini S 8K resin 3D Printer, the newest addition to the Phrozen series. Designed to make high-resolution resin 3D printing more widely accessible, the Sonic Mini 8K S supports the company’s vision of bringing 3D printing to the masses. The printers 8K LCD screen and 22µm XY resolution offers high printing quality and precision.

The company was founded in 2016 and has a solid reputation in the 8K LCD field. It holds the record for largest volume of printing available on the consumer market, with the Sonic Mega 8K. Moreover, Phrozen’s Sonic Mini 8K holds the record for the highest printing resolution in the consumer market, at just 22 microns. The company has grown to include markets in the US, Europe and Australia, as well as Japan, South Korea, and Japan.  

Phrozen Sonic Mini 8K S resin 3D printer. Image via Phrozen.

“It’s always been our goal to bring 3D printers to the mass, and the Sonic Mini 8K S is proof of our continuous dedication to this dream,” commented Phrozen Founder and CEO Ray Wu. “By making it more affordable, this printer will open doors of opportunities for those who have been dreaming of owning a high-resolution 3D printer but were cut short due to the commitment of initial investment.” 

The printer will be available for pre-order on May 17th at 10:00 am EDT. A pre-order bundle starts at $299.99 and includes free shipping. This low price makes the Sonic Mini 8K S a more accessible and affordable option for high resolution printing. Phrozen describes this machine as the most affordable 3D Printer with an 8K screen on the marketplace.  

It also has a user-friendly interface that is perfect for those who are new to 3D Printing. The Sonic Mini 8K S’s high-resolution printing and quality makes it a great choice for a variety of applications including jewelry, figurines, miniatures and more.

Sonic Mini 8K S 3D prints. Photo via Phrozen.
Sonic Mini S 8K 3D Prints Photo via Phrozen.

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Technical Specifications

Light source Linear projection LED module 
XY resolution 22µm
Layer thickness 0.01-0.30mm
Max printing speed  80 mm/hr
Connectivity  USB
Printer Size 19 x 19, x 43cm
Print Volume 16 x 7 x 17 cm
Printer weight 10kg
Resin vat Metal vats with FEP films

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Phrozen Sonic Mini S resin 3D Printer is shown in the featured image. Image via Phrozen.


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